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Enjoy Staying Motivated and Active at Home!

Even though gyms are closed, there are plenty of great ways to stay in shape right from home! Check out all of the ideas that our team has come up with to stay in shape right from home.

1. Treadmill Desk

One of our agents, Keisha Long has created her very own treadmill desk. By creating this treadmill desk, Keisha is able to work from home while also working out. Creating your own treadmill desk is easy and will keep you motivated throughout the days of being home.

2. Rent Gym Equipment

Our team leader, Jenny Wemert and her family decided to support their local gym by renting out a Peleton bike. By renting this equipment, they are able to log on and do a virtual workout with their gym membership.

3. Hand Weights While Homeschooling

For those who think that they don’t have time to workout while also homeschooling and working, one of our agents makes it possible by using hand weights while helping her kids with their homeschool assignments.

4. Makeshift Hand Weights

One of our agents, Laura Victory got creative with her workout. Since she didn’t have hand weights at home, she came up with her own! Laura used large cans of food as her hand weights. Even if you don’t have any at-home gym equipment, you can always use what you have available at home!

5. YouTube Videos

One of our assistant Client Care Coordinators, Diana Agosto gave a helpful tip of setting a reminder to get up and stay active by using free online tutorials. There are plenty of videos to follow on YouTube or Facebook that don’t require any equipment. Set a reminder, find a video that you enjoy and be active!

6. Workout Apps

One of our client care coordinators, Jennifer Sambolin recommended all of the amazing free workout apps available for iPhones and Androids. For example, look into downloading the Map My Run app to help you keep track of your daily workouts. These apps will help you keep track of how many calories you have burned and will also keep track of how long you’ve done each workout.

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7. Build Your Own at Home Gym

Many people have been creating their own at home gyms. The best place to create an at-home gym is in the garage. Most garages have extra space to add workout equipment. However, if you don’t have a garage, you can always use a spare room to add your workout equipment. A few on our team, Sarah Zack and Jennifer Rigsby have started building their own home gyms.

8. Go For a Run

An easy way to workout is by simply going on a quick run. Not only will going on a run help with staying active, but you will also get be getting outdoors. Enjoy running through your neighborhood or travel to a nice spot for a run with beautiful scenery.

9. Have an Accountability Partner

Another one of our agents, Jessica Remillard suggests having an accountability partner. Being able to have someone to keep you accountable for your workouts can be very helpful. For instance, having someone who is there to motivate you through the day and to help keep you going with your fitness journey will help keep you going.

10. Go on a Bike Ride

Take your bike out on the trail! Going for a bike ride is another great way to get out of the house, and get your workout in. One of our agents, Britt Tacceetta rides her bike through the Seminole Cross Trail. Wherever you reside in Central Florida, there is very easy access to the Seminole Cross Trail.

11. Virtual Races

There are so many virtual races happening right now! If you miss your usual races, find one that you can enjoy doing on your own. For instance, the races can be held anywhere to make it easy for anyone to join. Enjoy being able to race at your very own pace. When registering to be a part of these races, you will also have the ability to get merchandise from your virtual race.

12. Jump Rope

Get outside and jump rope to get your daily workout. Jumping rope is a great way to get your heart rate going and is a fun way to get your workout in.

13. Home Cardio Workouts

Jordan Revels gave some advice on home workouts. One of her suggestions was to work with what you have and by doing cardio workouts will really help you get in your workout for the day. For instance, do squats, work on your lunges, and find a bench to do some easy bench workouts.

Stay in Shape While Staying at Home!

Even if you don’t have equipment available, you can use what you have. Stay motivated to keep staying active as much as you can. Enjoy this extra time to work out.

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