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Cleaning Hacks for the Home

Keep Your Home Clean With These Easy Cleaning Hacks!

We are aware of all of the simple and everyday cleaning, but we often forget about other ways that we can maintain a clean household. Check out the cleaning hacks that we have listed and see if you can apply them to your home cleaning routine.

1. Clean With A Plan

Most people don’t even know where to start when it comes to cleaning the house. The best way to figure out what to clean and where to start is by having a plan. Get out a list pad and before you do anything, write down a list of what you want to be done for the day. For example, write down clean the bathroom mirror, the bathroom sink, toilet, and showers. This list is reminding you that you want the whole bathroom clean but gives yourself a little push on where to start.

2. Use a Broom and Cloth to Clean Baseboards

The baseboards of a home are often overlooked when it comes to cleaning day. However, having a great baseboard cleaning method will help to always remember to clean that forgotten part of the home. Get one of your cleaning cloths along with a rubber band and tie t he cloth with the rubber band around the bottom of the broom. Dip the broom with the cloth in a combination of half water and half vinegar and use the broom to get your baseboards sparkling again.

3. Make Your Shower Sparkling Clean

To get your shower and tub sparkling clean, use a dish sponge that you can pour your choice of shower cleaner into the handle. Being able to use the dish sponge will help to reach all the tough spaces. Using this sponge will also help to spread the cleaner throughout the entire tub or shower.

4. Create Your Own Multipurpose Cleaner

Find yourself running low on all-purpose cleaners? There are many great ways to make your own cleaning products. This also goes for multipurpose cleaners. For example, get an empty spray bottle and fill it with one-fourth cup of vinegar, two tablespoons of Dawn dish soap, and water. This spray can be used for cleaning countertops, tables, and other areas of the home.

5. Use White Vinegar in The Dishwasher

A great way to get the cloudiness out of your dishes and to really get them clean is by putting white vinegar in your dishwasher before you run it. To be on the safe side of putting vinegar in your dishwasher, make sure that you put it in a dishwasher safe bowl. By doing this, you will be able to get your glassware looking good as new!

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6. Clean Your Grout With Hydrogen Peroxide

If your grout is looking a bit stained or dirty, then one of the best ways to clean it is with hydrogen peroxide. For example, the best way to create the cleaner to help clean your grout is by adding one part hydrogen peroxide, two parts baking soda, and finally add some dish soap to the mix. Put the mixture on the grout and let it sit for at least thirty minutes before you scrub it clean with a toothbrush. After scrubbing, rinsing, and drying, your grout will look good as new!

7. Wipe Down Your Stainless Steel

Another great cleaning hack to do in your home is wipe down your stainless steel appliances with Lemon Pledge cleaner. One of the best ways to do so is by spraying the pledge on a rag and rub the rag onto the stainless steel appliances. After you rub the lemon pledge, take a dry cloth and wipe the appliances clean.

8. Clorox Bleach Gel For Bathtub Tiles

Cleaning your bathtub tiles can be difficult sometimes, but by using the Clorox Bleach Gel will help to clean it tremendously. Apply the bleach to the grimy areas and let it sit for at least an hour or more.

9. Keep Your Bedding Fresh and Clean

Cleaning sheets can sometimes be a hassle, but the more often you wash your sheets, the nicer that your sheets will stay. Try to remember to wash your sheets at least every two weeks. While this might seem like a no brainer, most people are unsure of how often they should wash their sheets. However, everyone is different, so depending on your lifestyle will also depend on when you should factor it into your cleaning schedule.

10. Pour Hot Water Over a Sink of Dirty Dishes

By pouring steaming hot water over a sink full of dirty dishes will help make it easier to eliminate the tough residue while washing the dishes. The hot water will help to dissolve extra grease making it easier to wash your dirty dishes.

Share These Tips With Anyone That Wants Extra Cleaning Tips!

Help others in your community with these cleaning hacks! Many people will find that these tips will help make a cleaner and healthier home. These are great ways to make sure that items in the home will stay clean.

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