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Tips For Cleaning Forgotten Items in Your Home

Don’t Forget To Clean These Household Items on Cleaning Day!

Many household items can get overlooked when it comes to cleaning the home. We often think of the phrase, “out of sight, out of mind.” However, by adding these items to your daily cleaning routine, you won’t ever forget to clean them again!

1. Toilet Brushes

The toilet brush is the last thought that might come to mind when it comes to cleaning the bathroom. However, the toilet brush is a household item that has some of the most germs and bacteria. After every use, make sure that you spray it with Lysol or all-purpose cleaner, and then give it a good rinse with warm water.

2. Keys

While disinfecting the doorknobs and the steering wheel, don’t forget to spray down your keys. This doesn’t seem like an item that could necessarily get dirty, but we touch our keys almost daily meaning that they also carry plenty of germs. So next time you spray down the doorknobs, give your keys a quick spray down too!

3. Hairbrushes

Everyday we use our hairbrush to keep our hair in place or to just make your hair look nice. However, a hairbrush can have a lot of oil and dirt build-up. Every so often, it’s important to clean your most frequently used hairbrushes. The best way to do this is by getting a bowl of warm water and putting in a few drops of shampoo. Swirl the brush in the bowl for a couple of minutes and use an old toothbrush to scrub in between the bristles.

4. Remote Controls

Most people watch TV at least once a day, sometimes more. Therefore, the remote controls are being touched daily and hold a lot of germs that you can’t see. Be sure to spray or wipe down the remote controls as often as you can to keep them clean.

5. Blinds

The blinds in the windows are often forgotten when it comes to cleaning day. Each blind collects dust easily. Make sure to use a rag or a Swiffer and a quick once over on each of the individual blinds that will help them come clean.

6. Door Handles

Another item that gets touched daily is the door handles throughout the home. During your cleaning routine, be sure to give them a good wipe down when you can. This will help eliminate the number of germs that the door handles have.

7. Refrigerator 

The best time to clean the refrigerator is when it’s time to get groceries. Clean out all of the old and expired foods, and take everything out to wipe down the refrigerator shelves. Place everything back in the refrigerator once all of the shelves are cleaned. Not only will your fridge be cleaner, but it will also be more organized. Don’t forget to wipe down the refrigerator handle as well!

8. Shower Curtains

While cleaning the bathroom, don’t forget to wipe down the shower curtains as well. The shower curtains can get a lot of build-ups and start to get mildew if they aren’t cleaned regularly. Shower curtains only need a quick wipe down, so it only takes a minute. If you notice that your shower curtain might be dirtier than usual, it’s probably about time to change it.

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9. Credit Cards and Debit Cards

Other items that are used on a regular basis are credit cards and debit cards. Not only do you touch your cards, but other people often touch them as well to take payments. When you’re thinking about it, be sure to use a disinfectant wipe to wipe down your cards.

10. Trash Cans

Of course, who usually thinks to clean something that trash gets put in. However, cleaning out the trash can help eliminate odors and takes away any germs or bacteria on the inside and outside of the trash can.

11. Baseboards 

One of the areas that become the main “out of sight, out of mind” areas are the baseboards of the house. Set a reminder to clean the baseboards as much as possible. By cleaning the baseboards every so often will help keep them cleaner longer.

12. Under the Couch Cushions

So many crumbs and dust tend to fall on the couch or in the couch cushions. When it’s time to vacuum, use one of the vacuum attachments to clean under the cushions.


Dust builds up on fan blades very easily. Put it on your to-do list to make sure that you are cleaning the blades frequently. Grab a few old pillowcases to easily wipe up the dust without it falling all over the floor. This way, you can shake out the pillowcases and wash them for next time the blades need to be cleaned!

14. Brooms

We sweep the dust, dirt, and grime with our brooms, but how often do we clean the brooms and mops? Get a bucket of warm water and soap and soak the broom head in the cleaning combination to get clean and refresh your cleaning tools. Next time you clean your floors, you will feel so much better knowing that they’re being cleaned with clean and sanitized brooms and mops.

15. Lamp Shades

Notice the amount of dust that the lampshades have collected? It’s time for them to get a good wipe down. Lampshades are another household item that collects dust without anyone ever really realizing that it’s happening. A good time to remember to wipe down the lampshades is when you’re dusting the blinds.

16. Air Vents

An important household item that should be cleaned often is the air vents. Nobody wants the dust to be blown out once the AC unit turns on. Make sure that you’re cleaning the air vents as often as you can.

17. Keurigs and Coffee Pots

Something that most people use every day is the Keurigs and Coffee pots. Cleaning out your daily coffee machine is actually very easy. Most pieces of the coffee machine come off and can be easily washed in the sink or dishwater. Clean out the inside of the coffee machines with vinegar and warm water if you can.

18. Washers 

Cleaning the clothes in the washer just makes sense. However, forgetting to clean the washer every so often happens. When you don’t have a large load of laundry waiting to be put in the washer, pour some vinegar in it while it’s empty and let it run for a quick cycle. This is the best way to get it clean for the next dirty load of laundry.

19. Fake Plants

Many people have fake plants as decor set up around the house. Once spring cleaning happens, it’s important to remember to wipe down these fake plants. Since fake plants don’t need to be watered, they can often be forgotten. Wipe down those fake leaves to get rid of any dust or cobwebs sitting on those leaves.

20. Ice Cube Trays

Another household item that a lot of people tend to forget to clean is the ice cube trays. Many people will often empty the ice cube tray and just fill it back up with water before even cleaning it out with soap and water. Next time you go to refill it, make sure that you give it a good cleaning first.

21. Bathroom Rugs

A great way to remember to throw the bathroom rugs into the washer is by doing so while cleaning the bathrooms. By doing this, you’re keeping the mats as clean as can be, so after taking your bath or shower, your feet will hit a nice and clean bathroom rug!

22. Shoe Organizers

So much dirt and grime cling to the bottom of your shoes, so depending on where you place them in your home will determine if you should clean that same area. For instance, some people like to keep their shoes on a shoe rack in the closet or a shoe organizer. No matter where you might place them when you’re thinking about it, be sure to take a disinfectant wipe and wipe down the area where your shoes are usually placed.

23. Toothbrush Holders

We use our toothbrushes to clean the inside of our mouths, so making sure that toothbrushes are placed in a clean area is very important. Every so often, check your toothbrush holder to make sure that it’s clean. If you have a toothbrush holder with small holes making it hard to clean the inside, then pick up straw brush cleaners to really clean the inside of the holder. Other toothbrush holders with wider openings can easily be wiped down.

24. Top of the Refrigerator

A lot of people forget that the top of the refrigerator can get very dusty. This is another household item that many people feel that it’s an out of sight and out of mind household item. Wiping down the top of the refrigerator only takes a minute, and while you’re thinking about it, be sure to go around the rest of the kitchen and wipe down the tops of the rest of the appliances.

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Many of these forgotten household items only take a few minutes to clean. Remembering to clean these items will help each item to not get so dirty when you do remember to clean them.

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