It’s rare in Central Florida that we would even need to be concerned about the freezing temps! But with snow finding its way to the northernmost part of our state, and temps supposed to drop this week it’s important to remember that when the outdoor air temperature reaches 32 degrees or lower, costly freeze damage can occur to pool equipment and plumbing. Freezing water expands and can burst the pipes, causing thousands of dollars in damage to the plumbing and decking. The most important thing to prevent damage to your pool is to keep your pump running.
- Maintain proper water levels (to the middle of the skimmer). If necessary, add water with a garden hose to maintain water level.
- Balance your water and maintain levels suggested by your local pool store or maintenance manager
- If you have a salt pool, maintain the appropriate salt level as recommended in the owner’s manual.
- If your pool has an automatic pool cleaner, remove it from the water, drain the water from the cleaner, and store it.
- Prior to the freezing temperatures, clean or backwash your filter to ensure proper water flow during the cold weather.
- During freezing conditions, run your pool pump and filter continuously. Moving water freezes more slowly.
- If you have a variable speed pump, do not run it at the lowest speed. Adjust the speed up to ensure proper water flow.
- Listen to your pump motor. If it makes a loud noise during operation, there may be trouble with bearings. As soon as the temperatures get above freezing, have the motor serviced by a professional.
- Insulate plumbing lines with blankets or towels to prevent freezing. Even pool noodles can serve as good insulation around pipes.
- Open all lines to ensure proper water flow. If a valve is shut off, no water will be flowing through that pipe and there is the danger of freezing damage.
- Connect your pump to a Freeze Defender, which senses freezing temperatures and turns the pool pump on automatically.
- Warning: Do not use any type of electric heaters, electric blankets, portable gas heaters, or heat lamps on or near your pool pump and filter as they can damage equipment or cause a fire.
- Turn the breaker to your pool equipment off. This will ensure the pool pump doesn’t attempt to run without water flow.
- Remove the drain plugs from your pump, filter, and heater (if applicable). Once the water has drained from the plumbing lines, insert winterizing plugs into the return lines and skimmer lines.
- Remove the strainer lid from the pump.
- Open the air relief valve on your pool’s filter.
- For those pools that have a multi-port valve, depress the handle and turn it in between two settings on the valve.
- Insulate plumbing lines with blankets or towels to prevent freezing. Even pool noodles can serve as good insulation around pipes.
- Add swimming pool anti-freeze directly into your pool lines. Add one gallon of anti-freeze for every 10 feet of plumbing.
- Warning: Never use automotive anti-freeze in a pool. Automotive anti-freeze is toxic for swimmers and can cause serious damage to pool equipment, plumbing lines, and pool surfaces.
Stay warm over these next few days and protect your pool equipment! If you have other pool tips be sure to share them with us at [email protected].
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